Sitemap - 2016 - The Comedy Crowd Newsletter

A Year in The Crowd (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

Sketch writing competition ends this Friday

Homer for the holidays (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

New comedy videos for review

Creating compelling characters, BBC script gym and more...

Creating compelling characters, BBC script gym and more...

Year 2050 plus a new sketch comp (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

A unique place to create comedy

New comedy videos for review

New comedy writing opportunities

New comedy writing opportunities

Comps, collaboration and a comedy workshop (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

New comedy videos for review

Building comedy characters to engage your audience

Building comedy characters to engage your audience

Make the future funny (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

New video review request

Comedy writers and voice actors wanted for paid opp

Comedy writers and voice actors wanted for paid opp

Time to show your comedy character (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

New video showcase entries

The opportunities are here. Take them!

The opportunities are here. Take them!

Free month trial ending soon...

Your comedy review of 2016 (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

Ends Sunday - Free month of new features

New video showcase entries

Join us for free today

A world of comedy opportunities

A world of comedy opportunities

We can but laugh (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

New video showcase entry

Get your comedy seen by a producer

Get your comedy seen by a producer

Share the love (and comedy competitions)

New competitions with special guest judges (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

New video showcase entries

Refer your friends and we'll reward you

Refer your friends before Sunday

Job opps, plus the real meaning of 'write what you know'.

Job opps, plus the real meaning of 'write what you know'.

Free gag books and show your videos (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

New Video Rating Request

New Video Rating Request

Musical comedy comp, crowdfunding and comedy writing secrets

Musical comedy comp, crowdfunding and comedy writing secrets

Musical comedy comp, crowdfunding and comedy writing secrets

New video feature and how to make an impact (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

Patrons - Invitation offer - Let's grow the Crowd

Get started and make an impact in comedy

How to get started and make an impact in comedy

Show your satire.. (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

New opportunity for satirical writers, plus two comedy fundamentals

New opportunity for satirical writers, plus two comedy fundamentals

The 2 fundamentals of comedy writing.. (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

Mentorship, meetups and creating micro-budget comedy

Mentorship, meetups and creating micro-budget comedy

Meetups and making your web series.. (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

How you can make an impact with sketches and podcasts, plus Jerry Seinfeld's comedy formula

How you can make an impact with sketches and podcasts, plus Jerry Seinfeld's comedy formula

Video showcase time.. (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

Technical Issue fixed!

Update - Technical Issues

Why new writers should steal plus how to showcase your video

Why new writers should steal plus how to showcase your video

Reminder - Launch week closes midnight tonight

Want to get involved in these comedy projects? Offer ends midnight tomorrow!

Don't look down her dress.. (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

Patron Update - Now we're growing!

How people make their impact in comedy

Launch time! Here's what you need to know (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

Newsjack submissions open and 7 days to launch!

My first stand up attempt... (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

C4 "Blaps" submissions open, is this the future of comedy pilots?

'Show Your Funny' updates... (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

BBC writing vacancy, new sketchwriting opp

Making your own sitcom... (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

The Comedy Crowd Newsletter - New comedy opportunities and insights

Don't hide your ideas... (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

The Comedy Crowd Newsletter - new opportunities and why you are funny enough to take them

Am I funny enough for comedy?... (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

A Line at a Time - new Comedy Crowd challenge in the forums

The Comedy Crowd Newsletter - new opportunities plus writing for children's TV.

The exciting next stage... (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

The Comedy Crowd Newsletter - Writing comedy is hard but why it's worth learning how

Important announcement plus 'what if world leaders were children'? (What's new in The Comedy Crowd)

The Comedy Crowd Newsletter - New writing opportunities in the UK and USA

Who are the greatest sitcom characters? (What's new in the Comedy Crowd)

The future of The Comedy Crowd

Opportunities galore plus show how funny you can write

Can you write funny? Now's the time to show it (What's new in the Comedy Crowd)

BBC Sitcom Showcase plus should I compromise my comedy style?

Confessions of a Newsjack Addict (What's new in the Comedy Crowd)

Site launch and sketch opportunities

How to join from midnight tonight

4 days to go. Here's the challenge..

Opportunities, success stories, and 1 week to go..

Building a profile plus opportunities at London Sketchfest 2016

We're launching a new site, plus comedy projects looking for writers and actors

Google's writing competition plus deadlines this week

Google's writing competition plus deadlines this week

This Saturday - Meet creators, watch comedy & learn how to get an audience

BBC job opportunities, plus new competitions and events

The Comedy Crowd - Free Social and Open Mic Night for all Comedy Creators

BBC Comedy vacancy plus the 'Catch 22' facing writers

Survey results and special guest announcement, plus how to edit

Opportunities, open mic night and script reading

How to go beyond an idea by collaborating

How to go beyond an idea by collaborating

Script advice, comedy courses and BBC internship opp

From bedroom to BBC via Llandudno

From bedroom to BBC via Llandudno

Opportunity deadlines approach plus the latest comedy events

How to get your comedy script produced

Only two days left for London event tickets

BBC radio opportunity plus meet the creator of a hit TV sitcom

BBC radio opportunity plus meet the creator of a hit TV sitcom

Experts give their advice on how to write better comedy

Writing opportunities, script feedback & how to write a great audio sketch

BBC Writersroom feedback plus making a web series that stands out

BBC Writersroom feedback plus making a web series that stands out

What are you struggling with?

What are you struggling with?

BBC Writersroom advice plus have your say

BBC Writersroom advice plus have your say

Want three ways to become a better comedy writer?

Want three ways to become a better comedy writer?

Latest opportunities and exciting events

Latest opportunities and exciting events

Latest opportunities and exciting events

Latest opportunities to get involved

Latest opportunities to get involved in comedy

Keeping it simple can be very effective, and funny 😹

Opportunities to get involved in comedy

Loved this show and had to share 😄

An exciting comedy night and the importance of perseverance

An exciting comedy night and the importance of perseverance

Comedy Fridays - New Comedy Creations

Comedy Opportunities and Advice 😀

Interested in sketch writing or improv?

Issue 14 - Comedy creation - events, opportunities, blogs and advice

Newsletter 13 - A new year resolution worth sticking to